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Law Review Articles and Chapters

Law Review Articles and Contributions

Articles are available on the SSRN Author page here

Permanent Homelands through Treaties with the United States: Restoring Faith in the Tribal Nation-U.S. Relationship in Light of the McGirt Decision, 47 MITCHELL HAMLINE LAW REV.  640 (2021)


Jurisprudence and Recommendations for Tribal Court Authority due to Imposition of U.S. Limitations, 47 MITCHELL HAMLINE LAW REV. 339 (2021)


Envisioning Indigenous Community Courts for First Nations to Realize Justice in Canada, Vol. 53 Alberta Law Review (April 2019)


American Indian Religious Freedom Act of 1978, US-Dakota War of 1862, and Wounded Knee Massacre of 1890, 50 EVENTS THAT SHAPED AMERICAN INDIAN HISTORY: AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE AMERICAN MOSAIC (ABC-CLIO 2016)


American Indian Children and U.S. Indian Policy (with G. William Rice), TRIBAL LAW JOURNAL, Vol. 2015-2016, UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO SCHOOL OF LAW (Spring 2016)


The On-Going Traumatic Experience of Genocide for American Indians and Alaska Natives in the United States: The Call to Recognize Full Human Rights as Set Forth in the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, AMERICAN INDIAN LAW JOURNAL AT SEATTLE UNIV. SCHOOL OF LAW, Vol. III Issue II (Spring 2015)


Balancing Between Two Worlds: A Dakota Woman's Reflections on Being a Law Professor, 29 BERKELEY J. GENDER & JUST. 250 (Summer 2014)


Idaho Tribal-State Court Bench Book 2014 Edition, TRIBAL-STATE COURT FORUM OF THE IDAHO SUPREME COURT, (primary author)


Recognizing the Importance of Indian Law on State Bar Examinations, THE FEDERAL LAWYER, Volume 60 Issue 3 (April 2013)(with Sheri Freemont, Gloria Valencia-Weber, and Joseph Williams)


Bringing Balance to Mid-North America: Re-Structuring the Sovereign Relationships between Tribal Nations and the United States, 41 U. BALT. L. REV. 671 (Summer 2012)


Cultural and Economic Self-Determination for Tribal Peoples in the United States Supported by the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, 28 PACE ENVTL. L. REV. 357 (2010)(Published address from Symposium of May 13, 2010).


Tribal Nations and Tribalist Economics: The Historical and Contemporary Impacts of Intergenerational Material Poverty and Cultural Wealth within the United States, 49 WASHBURN L. J. 805 (2010).


Tribal Hunting and Fishing Lifeways & Tribal-State Relations in Idaho, 46 IDAHO L. REV. 81 (2009)


The Eagle and the Condor of the Western Hemisphere: Application of International Indigenous Principles to Halt the United States Border Wall, 45 IDAHO L. REV. 555 (2009).


Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), Exhaustion Doctrine, Roger Jourdain, and Treaty Interpretation: Native Understanding, ENCYCLOPEDIA OF UNITED STATES INDIAN LAW AND POLICY (Finkelman and Garrison ed. 2009)(CQ Press)


Tribal Nation Economics: Rebuilding Commercial Prosperity In Spite of U.S. Trade Restraints – Recommendations for Economic Revitalization in Indian Country, 44 TULSA L. REV. 383 (2008).


Tribal Values of Taxation Within the Tribalist Economic Theory, 18 KAN. J. L. & PUB. POL’Y 1 (2008).



Book Chapters

Chapter 2 Indigenous Historic Trade in the Western Hemisphere, in Indigenous Peoples and International Trade: Building Equitable and Inclusive Trade Agreements ed. John Borrows and Risa Schwartz (Cambridge University Press 2020)


Chapter 7. Tribal Bighorn Sheep Cultural and Subsistence Resource, Aboriginal & Tribal Treaty Rights, and State-Tribal Consultation, in Bighorn Sheep and Domestic Sheep: Analysis of the Current Situation in Idaho, COLLEGE OF NATURAL RESOURCES POLICY ANALYSIS GROUP REPORT No. 30, (Jay O’Laughlin and Philip S. Cook ed. 2010)

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